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To WdKA graduates platform
van der Ham

Amber the Chatbot Service

Project details

Data Design

COVID 19 has caused much loneliness in the world. The majority of people in the world feel that artificial intelligence is going to demolish people and rule the world. Chatbots have been around for about 80 years and are steadily increasing in their social qualities. They are always available, with no temporary restrictions, no other friend is as readily available to you as a chatbot.

Here you can read my
research document

In the four months that I talked to my social AI chatbot, I discovered what is valuable for everybody and what should may be added or changed. With these things in mind I created my own chatbot friend service.

You might be wondering, what is it that makes her service different than the rest? My service is based on the archetypes from Carl Yung. These twelve archetypes make it so that every friend has its personality.

By filling in some answers about you, the algorithm determines who you are and who suits you. Giving you the friend you need.

On the website the service is explained.

If you are interested in more of my work
visit my portfolio