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Purity – Wearable Lie Detector

Project details

New Frontiers

Purity introduces a wearable lie detector used as a daily fashion item. This tool is needed in a pandemic of lies, living in a post-truth time, with the competition-oriented society as a big cause. We need to bring back the truth. How will relationships be shaped when honesty is the norm?

Lying is normalized nowadays. It has become a big part of everyday life. We live in a pandemic of deception. It is becoming easier to show a manipulated, dishonest image of ourselves to a large audience through all channels that we have at our disposal. We hide our true selves behind imaginative digital masks, which are also often worn in daily life. There is a common fear that everyone else has a better, more adventurous and more successful life. As performance pressures keeps increasing, we are more likely to lie about our capabilities and tend to hide our vulnerabilities

Lucent and Stark are designed as an antidote to the pressure to keep our status high and the tendency to suppress our vulnerabilities. Purity shines light on the fakeness of society, in which authenticity and trust in each other is increasingly being overshadowed. This symptom has led to a crisis of trust and identity, requiring interventions that respond to society’s emotional needs to regain trust, strengthen intimacy and bonds, and enhance authenticity.

The main question I want to ask to people is: how honest are you to yourself and to others?

Stark & Lucent

The device will constantly observe its surroundings, focused on the micro expressions on people’s faces, which detect whether someone is lying or not. When your conversation partner is telling a lie, you will feel a vibration in your neck. At the same time a LED neon light will turn on, on your device. So you and your conversation partner will know when a lie is being told. So the jewellery gives you real time feedback about your own lying behaviour.

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