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The Bigger Picture

Project details

Master – Design

A different look at news images

News images influence the way we see the world and the people around us. Where the news provision is increasingly image-oriented, the use of news images is criticized of ‘framing’: they have a distorting and in many cases polarizing effect.

With this research I introduce a connecting role for the news image. Through in-depth and methodical research I show the potential of the news image to encourage people to talk with each other and to understand each other better. 

The story that you read in a picture may say more about you than about the picture

Through participatory and co-creative methods I enable both news producers and news consumers to experience how news images can be used to collect and share stories, with the purpose of making a broader perspective visible on the ideas on social issues in society.

A part of my publication can be downloaded below. If you would like to read the full publication, send me a message!

The Bigger Picture
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