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To WdKA graduates platform

Het (on)bekende

-the (un)known-

This project actually started with a study of time.
How time affects us, how you can record time and whether it can be recorded.

I wanted to show the passage of time by means of the negatives of the past. Trying to grab or get hold of something. As I went on with the project, it was mostly about how time represents me and my past. The negatives told new stories with the past and present merged.

My history and the history before me.

Time moved forward from back in time. Here I further elaborated on my own childhood. Time is represented by my own youth archive. With the work that can be seen here, I want to show how time is lost but also found in our childhood photos. The moment has often been recorded but will never be the same again. It is distorted in our brains, as time passes the memory also changes. 

Time is not captured in the photo, what is captured is only a specific moment that can no longer be found in time. 

The picture is only there to make a new connection in our brain.