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To WdKA graduates platform

Mind The Gap

Project details

Critical Studies

Poster made by Leja Kancerevyciute

For my graduation project I collaborated with my classmate Niek Hendrik Grootendorst. Together we have worked on our short film ‘Mind The Gap’. Mind The Gap is a 2D animated short film of around 6 minutes and covers themes as empathy, high sensitivity and the mind.

The Story

The story follows John who is travelling by public transport. John is highly sensitive and strongly feels the emotions of others. Every different means of transport he takes is linked to a certain emotion or feeling that Luke is influenced by. He uses a small stress ball to filter his emotions. However, he cannot rely on this forever. At the end of the film, Luke’s stress ball stops working and he gets overwhelmed. He flees to the machinist room where Tyler is working. Where Luke is basing his choices on emotions, impulses and imagination, Tyler’s way of thinking is based on calm observations and logic. They are each other’s opposites. Both characters find that they lack a certain trait that the other character possesses. Luke learns from Tyler that he has to calmly observe his overwhelming empathy and put it into perspective. Tyler has the opportunity to analyse Luke’s empathy to help him establish human connections.

The Team

Mireille Kiesewetter – Concept, storyboard, backgrounds and VFX animation
Niek Hendrik – Character design, character animation and sound design
Wes Grootendorst – Music
Frank van Zanten – Voice of Luke Fernandez
Nephthali Kidimbu – Voice of Tyler Onai
Leja Kancerevyciute – Promotional Poster
José Santana Boogerman – Backgrounds

Film stills:

Interested to see more of this project? Or interested in other projects of mine? Check out my website: