Los Que Faltan

Los Que Faltan – recuerdos de ausencias (The missing ones – memories of absences/Ceux qui manquent – mémoires d’absences) is a multilingual book retracing a part of Argentina’s history, focusing on the question of identity, in a global and individual sense.

Argentina is characterized by its numerous waves of immigration and emigration, the latter as a result of the dictatorship in the 1970s, which has caused a trauma in the country’s identity, and remains problematic for the members of its diaspora today.
Through texts, documents and testimonials, this book explores three different points of view : from a very global one, at the scale of the whole country, narrowed down to my family’s experience that were documented through papers and pictures, to a very personal first-hand recounting of the events, gathered through interviews of several members of my family.

This book is in Spanish, French and English, as it is a testimonial of a divided identity between different countries and people, and a journey through time and space. It aims to bring light to the experiences of a few individuals as a reflection of the thousands of lives that were impacted by these events, and the (internal) conflicts it has brought on a global and individual scale.