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To WdKA graduates platform

Samen Scheveninger

Project details


For my graduation I focused on Scheveningen, the place where I was born and stayed. I see myself as a Scheveninger, but see so many different people around me when I walk around here that I don’t quite know with whom or what I identify myself when I say I am Scheveninger. For this reason, I started my search for the answer to the question: How do I represent a contemporary Scheveningen identity based on the material and visual culture of the different inhabitants between 1900 and now?

The end piece revolves around recognition in the meeting. This piece is a Scheveningen jacket, put together my way, with blue overlock stitching that is visible on the outside as a symbol of the connector among the Scheveningen people, the sea and the contemporary speed of the craft. Furthermore, the jacket consists of a leopard print of my own design, which represents all different types of Scheveningers in direct references to parts of my research.
The buttons are a contemporary translation of the old Scheveningen headpiece jewellery “boeken”, printed with a 3D printer and finally the stitching and the buttons are glow in the dark blue, as a reference to the connector, the core and the history of all Scheveningen residents when the environment darkens and disappears.

Around this piece as a starting point, I have designed a collection that is shape wise inspired by the Scheveningen traditional costume and in terms of colors on the different groups at Scheveningen and my self-designed print.

I made this collection for the new generation Scheveningen residents who are proud of today’s Scheveningen and who want to enthusiastically propagate the collage to all the different parts of Scheveningen as a whole and who strive for recognition and solidarity.

Links to video’s

  • Visual process of Scheveningen areas

    Scheveningse straatjes
    De Keizerstraat
    Straten van Duindorp
    Surfers van Scheveningen
    Staten Straten
  • Procesbook
  • Final result, collection video